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Barcode Scanning with OnTime Mobile

Scan Barcodes with your Smartphone

No setup. No extra hardware. No added expense.

Start scanning barcodes today using the camera built in to your smartphone or tablet. OnTime Mobile for iOS and Android support scanning barcodes directly from the app. Once scanned, order details are displayed and available actions are suggested.

OnTime Mobile Smartphone Camera Barcode Scanning

Flexibile Scanning Options for Anywhere

Custom scanning solutions can be easily developed and integrated with various barcode scanning hardware. Using the OnTime Extension SDK or OnTime API, hardware can be controlled to perform specific actions when scanning buttons are pressed. This can provide an excellent solution for warehouses, hubs, and other processing facilities.

Barcode Scanning Extension

The Scan Barcode to Update Status extension is an interface to allow for usage of 1D laser barcode scanning devices within OnTime Management Suite or OnTime Dispatch. This extension allows a user to update the status of an order by scanning the barcode found on an order’s shipping label.

A wide variety of barcode scanning hardware is supported, both wired and wireless. All generic keyboard emulation barcode scanners and many programmable barcode scanner models are compatible with this extension.

Barcode Scanning Extension

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Gregory Diaz | Alert Corp