Call us about courier software 1 541 326 4200   Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time

OnTime Satisfaction Guarantee

30 Day Money Back Guarantee on Courier Software We guarantee that you will be satisfied with your OnTime experience. If you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days of opening your account and we'll refund your money.

Work with OnTime to Resolve the Issue

We want to help you make the best of your investment in OnTime. Contact us with your issue and our capable and experienced staff will help resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

  1. Contact us to report the issue
  2. We will promptly contact you with further information. We may be able to resolve the issue immediately, offering guidance and instruction
  3. We will continue to work with you until the issue is resolved. We may require additional information from you; your cooperation in communicating these needs is vital to the completion of this process. Complete resolution of your issue may take up to 5 days from the date that the issue is first reported

Request a Refund

If we are unable to resolve your issue, a refund may be issued for your services within 30 days of activating your paid account.

  • Follow these cancellation instructions to close your account
  • Cancelling an account does not automatically initiate a refund. You must also request a refund in writing
  • Requests for a refund must be made in writing within 30 days of activating paid accounts
  • Refunds are always returned to the debit or credit used to make the original payment

The system is amazingly flexible, especially in the area of building customized price sets and notifications. We've set up all kinds of notification systems and close to 100 different price sets to accommodate our customers over the years.

Zach Woody | Dash Delivery, Inc.